Electricité de France  logo EDF

Électricité de France, (EDF), a leading European electricity company, spans the energy value chain: generation, distribution, sales and trading, supply and energy services. Leader in the French electricity market, the Group also has solid positions in the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy. EDF is active in reducing CO2 emission and develops generation facilities without fossil fuels (nuclear, hydraulic, renewable). In France, it has mainly nuclear and hydraulic production facilities where 95% of the electricity output involves no CO2 emissions. Its total CO2 emission levels in Europe are 80% less than those of its competitors. EDF improves energy efficiency and promotes the substitution of higher CO2 emissions with the use of electricity. Today, the company is a public limited company with international activities, with the following figures for commercial activities :

EDF R&D: the aim of the EDF’s R&D Division is to keep electricity costs competitive, prepare the generating facilities of the future, enhance the quality of supply while preserving the environment, as well as to develop innovative solutions with the customer in mind. The variety of these objectives has led EDF to set up a strong R&D function, including multidisciplinary knowledge, and with a balance between basic research and industrial applications. EDF R&D runs research projects about climate predictions from seasonal to decadal time scales and climate change. The objective of these projects is to assess the EDF activities sensitivity to climate variability on those time scales. Research activities are conducted on extreme events in connection with transmission lines, regarding wind storms and ice load accretions. EDF uses the most robust results of international research projects in order to begin the adaptation of the currently running production facilities, specially nuclear power plants. Studies for such an exercise for diverse climatic parameters are done to verify if the production is still insured under good security conditions and if needed to plan modifications consequently.




GDF SUEZ est présent sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de l’énergie, en électricité et en gaz naturel, de l’amont à l’aval :

  • achat, production et commercialisation de gaz naturel et d’électricité ;
  • transport, distribution, gestion et développement de grandes infrastructures de gaz naturel ;
  • conception et commercialisation des services énergétiques et de services liés à l’environnement.

Toutes ces activités sont climato-sensibles, de par leur forte dépendance aux conditions environnementales et climatiques (température, vent, hydraulicité, etc.) à court, moyen et long termes ; la gestion et le contrôle de ce risque nécessitent des méthodes scientifiquement fiables et opérationnellement performantes.

Parmi les impacts du climat sur l’activité de GDF SUEZ, les événements rares, le changement climatique et la combinaison de ces deux éléments nécessitent une attention particulière. GDF SUEZ a participé au projet INVULNERABLe de l’IDDRI et est aujourd’hui impliqué dans le projet E3P de la KIC Climat, qui touche à ces problématiques ; le projet SECIF apporte des complémentarités et des approfondissements intéressants.

Par ailleurs GDF SUEZ possède une expertise au sein du département « Climat, Aléas de Production et de Consommation » dans les études en climat et en modélisation de la production (offre) et de la consommation (demande), en gaz comme en électricité. Ce département fait partie de GDF SUEZ CEEME (Centre d’Expertise en Etudes et Modélisations Economiques).


Veolia-Eaulogo Veolia-Eau

The agency Drome Ardèche is a unit responsible for managing wastewater and drinking water of several communities. It is composed of 120 officers, divided into three geographic areas of approximately 35 officers backed by a support structure 15 people (technical and administrative). Sanitation team represents about 50 people over the Drôme and the Ardèche. The largest managed sewer systems are those of Romans and Valence.